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How you can give

Welcome to our donation page

We are delighted that you are considering investing in the ministry of House of Prayer Port Moresby. You will find all the necessary information on this page as well as an overview of the different options in which one can support our ministry.

We are employed by YWAM Altensteig e.V. Our salary is financed by donations. Contributions to our personal account reach us directly (without tax deduction). For our personal bank info please contact us.

Donate to YWAM from Europe for the MINISTRY in general

(tax deduction every January)

JMEM Altensteig e.V.

IBN: DE 65 6426 1853 0060 4900 20


Subject: 53434 (very important)

Donate to YWAM for the BUSH CLINIC

JMEM Altensteig e.V.

IBN: DE 65 6426 1853 0060 4900 20


Subject: 33400 (very important)

Directly to our PNG account for the HOUSE OF PRAYER

Papua New Guinea Bank details:
Bank of South Pacific (BSP)

Waigani Drive

Wantalk24seven a ministry of Youth With a Mission Inc.

Account number: 7022 7277 75


What is WanTALK24seven?

WanTALK24seven is the name of our registered association under which House of Prayer Port Moresby and the Bush Clinic are registered. We are currently in the process of becoming a non-profit organization in the near future.

Becoming a Partner of HOP POM!

Would you like to be a part of the vision that God has given us?
We, therefore, invite you to join us in becoming a House of Prayer Port Moresby partner!
This will give you the opportunity to share in what God is doing with us and through us.

HOP POM - Partner

There are two opportunities for you to become a HOP POM partner.

  1. HOP POM prayer partner 
    As a HOP POM prayer partner, you will position yourself in prayer/intercession and stand with us in the various assignments and mandates that we carry as House of Prayer Port Moresby ministry.

  2. HOP POM financial partner 
    As a HOP POM financial partner, you will regularly support either our ministry or one of our staff and therefore free us up to step into our assignments and mandates. If you would like to become a financial partner, feel free to contact us!


Contact: Sam Bune



Salvation Army Motel

Lahara Avenue, Boroko

Port Moresby Papua New Guinea

©2022 by House of Prayer Port Moresby +675 78363139 Proudly created with hop pom



+675 7836 3139/+675 7222 0417

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